Laundry Clean Queen

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When my mama was here helping me, she ordered some supplies she believes in for cleaning and laundry. I would’ve never ordered items like this on my own accord. But, now I’m hooked and SAVING MONEY in the long run. Reordering some bottles today and want to share why. FYI: not affiliated with the brands, not sponsored, just a new fan. Also, if you’re putting an amazon order today, products can be found HERE.

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The Laundress is known for being some of the best cleaning products out there. Household and clothing, sheets and cashmere, I’m hooked. I love the light, lingering smell. And have grown to appreciate how well these products take care of my towels and sheets and clothing and house cleaning. And to boot,  they are eco-friendly , safe, cruelty free thanks to using only non-toxic, biodegradable, and allergen-free materials-also free of controversial ingredients like petroleum, SLS, phosphate, phthalates, and dyes. Again, not an ad!! Just a customer.



Let’s start with the saving money part. I love my dry-clean only sweaters and dresses. But, during the quarantine, I wasn’t going to keep taking them in (spending so much on each one) and dragging Hayden around with masks and gloves, etc. (I’m alone with my 3-year-od son in quarantine if you are new here). So, my mom said go ahead and wear my comfy cashmere ones and wash them all with the cashmere shampoo/ detergent on delicate and line dry. Oh my goodness- it worked so well. I will continue to do this long term. No more automatically drycleaning everything just because it says it on the label. I’m slowly adding other fabrics to figure out which ones work the best. Obviously, use your best judgement on which items should still only be dry-cleaned. Also, I often use the signature and delicate that work for a myriad of fabrics.



Sheets that last are a investment. Nice sheet can cost us a pretty penny and I want to preserve the fabric, the bright white look (I love white sheets), so that was our first conversation about changing detergent when cleaning certain things like my nicer towels and sheets. I now use the whites bottle. I invested in some nicer towels and they started turning yellow. I didn’t want to use bleach because it specifically says on the label not to!! Oxiclean wasn’t cutting it, but this detergent is keeping them white.


Now, if something gets on them like makeup (ohhhh the accidental mascara stain or blood from a nick from shaving my legs (rarely, but it happens), or little munchkin eats strawberries and wipes it all over himself and the towel, I spray the MISS MOUTH’s on it first. Let it sit for a while and then rub the fabric together with a white cloth underneath to not transfer the stain.

Last time Huck was here, he showed up with newly dyed fuchsia hair. His mother had dyed his hair fuchsia pink hours before and recommended I wash it out that night. Despite washing really well- it still ended up getting on some pillows, white sheets and a good portion of my white linen headboard. It took a few days, but Miss Mouth’s did the trick!!

I haven’t tried the Stain Remover from the laundress, but the reviews are so good, I have to add it. Also, just to make it easier, I have it from different locations in case they are running out, which just happened (click HERE).



So, I’m testing out my darks with their dark detergent. I’ll let you know what I think…

Lastly, adding this little guide that is helping me! Source unknown.

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IN THE MEANTIME, LMK WHAT YOU THINK… what are your tried and true home remedies for household accidents or maintenance? Please do share.


Ashley Jones




HOW TO COPE IN QUARANTINE and BEYOND. Recently, there have been a lot of new visitors to the blog! Welcome. Thank you for being here. Please introduce yourself in comments;)

It seems almost everyone I’ve talked to has had some crummy days. Actually rotten, awful, no-good, very bad days. Even those of us with the HAPPY GENE. Can YOU relate? I don’t need to state the obvious, but will anyway cause I tend to do that.🤷🏼‍♀️  Just because the quarantine is happening doesn’t mean life is stopping. The natural storms of life still roll in at the most inopportune times: health issues, marital problems, infertility, financial stress, domestic abuse, job loss, divorce, etc, then layer on COVID-19 quarantine. And we don’t have the typical support usually afforded us. We feel more alone. I often tell myself- if I could just deal with ONE of the things going on, it would be manageable. This time has forced us ALL to create a new normal.  A new baseline for stress and managing life. I reckon by the time we become so good at this new normal, it’ll be over, then we will have to reconcile the “old” with the “new ways” of our lives. Do we shake hands again meeting new people? How do we handle massively public places like Disneyland and concerts? 

If you’re one of the new ones here and don’t know, everything changed for my son and me last August. I’m currently going through a divorce. It doesn’t ring true to keep so much private, but it’s necessary. 

It’s probably obvious I’m a single mom in quarantine with a three-year-old in an apartment tripping over Paw Patrol toys trying to make ends meet with lawyer bills. But another way for me to write that? I’m so blessed to have a  beautiful, HEALTHY, GOOD boy, while staying sane and afloat by the grace of God in a city with nearly perfect weather and a diehard loving support system that includes YOU. #Perspective. 

To those going through any major life changes during this time, please be gentle on yourself. I remind myself that every. single. day. This too shall pass. We will look back in amazement, knowing God carried us through the worst and we’re more than SURVIVORS. We will thrive.💪🏼💪🏼

Now, back to those over-whelming days where life nearly strangles you metaphorically and you feel like the house fell on you as the tornado drifted away.

I made a list today curated from trial and error, sermons, books, teachers.  I’ll reference on days where circumstances seem heavy, now or anytime in the future, ‘cause anxiety will not go away with the quarantine, sadly.


  1. Pray and breathe. Be specific. So grateful for the life I have and I’m requesting for myself (and those going through similar things) energy, stamina and wisdom today to get me through x, y and z, and to approach everyone with an open loving heart. 

  2. Jot down thoughts as they come. Identify the mental road blocks and literally write them down. Work through them one by one.

  3. Phone a confidant. Or zoom or FaceTime with a group.

  4. I can’t see clearly what my blocks are if my world is cluttered. I need a clean environment. I know people that need to go for a run to clear their minds. Or COOK or BAKE (love seeing all the recipes!), or simply change up the scenery (hence our “road trip” 80minutes away to the California poppies pictured in this post). You know yourself well enough to know what can help, now you must do it.

  5. Look at your situation from a third perspective. I picture myself as a friend coming in to help. What would I tell a friend/sister? How would I help her?

  6. Help someone else. However big or small, it shifts gears in a good way.

  7. Write down something to look forward to…. a hot bath, a good meal, book, even SLEEP

  8. MUSIC. When I’m in a place of high anxiety, I need silence. But, once I get through the first hurdle, music can help me tremendously. Should I share my favorite playlists?

  9. Visualize the other side… when your goals are met and you are over the hurdle? Tell yourself (or a friend) the story of how you OVERCAME the insurmountable and what it took to do it. This is a powerful exercise. HOW DOES IT FEEL?


Life can easily seem insurmountable, like a living nightmare. If you’re going through it today, be as gentle as you would be to your best friend. It’s okay to be exactly where you are. Even if that means shutting down and doing nothing! In fact, sometimes it’s necessary. How do you cope with anxiety? I’d love to know your steps. Please share with us.



If you are experiencing thoughts of despair, please contact Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255, and if you are experiencing domestic abuse, please call 1-800-799-SAFE.

Right near the road, easy access to stand, or hunker down without hurting the poppies! ALL SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS WERE OBSERVED.

Right near the road, easy access to stand, or hunker down without hurting the poppies! ALL SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS WERE OBSERVED.

This dress has been a favorite for years now. The slip in photo above got bunched up when I stood, but it is longer than pictured;) Buying pieces that last is part of the philosophy of sustainable fashion. I have worn this over and over (own a few colors that are on sale, too, see below). I’m in a size small for buying reference. Click photo below for more details and available colors ($89).


GIVEAWAY CLOSED! WINNERS ARE BEING CONTACTED. Everywhere turn we turn, we are reminded we’re all in this pandemic together, but each and every one of us has our own journey. Some are all alone, while others are juggling families. Some have small children, others have self-sufficient teenagers that have to be monitored in different ways. While many people are picking up new found hobbies, others are experiencing heartbreak and loss. Some are making elaborate meals; some are hungry (if you are, please reach out in the comments below or contact us and we can help asap or connect you with help).

This post (with some GIVEAWAYS from the video above) goes out to all the MAMAS and DADDIES. For those of you trying to work from home (like literally bring in money to live), be a manager of a restaurant (taking orders in your kitchen ALL DAY LONG), run a full service housekeeping business (gotta try to keep up with these copious amount of dishes and laundry) AND NOW HOMESCHOOL?? Plus, I have a special place in my heart for you full time single parents. It’s just Hayden and me- 24/7! I get it.

Here are some tools to order or print out TODAY to help run your homeschooling ship or bring in new ideas. And by “homeschooling,” I’m saying just keep our young ones stimulated and learning- even through summer, am I right? Some other ideas can be found in this post HERE. The majority of these ideas came from YOU GUYS commenting! Thank you. Please keep it up!



My left-handed little man and I are big fans of Tinker Active Workbooks. (I know he should be using a different writing utensil, but he wanted to be like mama… and he traced pretty well!)

With all the computerized programs out there, we like still like tangible proof of what we’re doing. Perforated sheets make it easy to remove (and showcase on a board or fridge), or keep everything together. Math, Science (fun projects) and now English.

Check out their FREE downloadable printouts that Hayden’s been working on. We’ve printed them several times to work on our letters.

AND… I’M GIVING AWAY A SET OF BOOKS. MAYBE EVEN TWO SETS or THREE. Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade. Picking winners from comments here on the blog and on the instagram post!! Please give your handle on social or add in email address here.

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I’m looking forward to going LIVE with an expert very soon to discuss communication skills. I want to make sure I’m allowing Hayden to open up about as much as he can. We enjoy BEST SELF - LITTLE TALK CARDS at dinner. He gets to pick a card (if it’s too complicated, he picks another one). It works well for all ages of kids, so a perfect family deck. He thinks it’s fun and it gets him talking about his feelings and thoughts. Even simple things like worst/best. What’s the best part of your day? Worst part? How can we make tomorrow better?

FYI- if you order Best Self cards from, you get FREE SHIPPING with a $45 order. I added the self-planner to my cart and have been using it a lot. You can also order HERE from Amazon.

AND I’M GIVING AWAY several DECKS and SELF PLANNERS!! FIVE- YES FIVE OF YOU will be picked from comments below and comments on instagram post! Please give your handle on social or add in email address here.



We’re all home cooking, mind as well teach them young! Here are some books that have been fun for us! COOKING CLASS for young chefs! Woo-hoo.


And have you tried 3D animals on your phone? This is fun activity, but if you’re kids are young (like Hayden, 3), I recommend not doing it before bedtime! Hayden had a million questions and was worried it might come back to his room. (UGH!) BUT, it’s so much fun to do! THIS CAME FROM YOU GUYS RECEOMMENDING ACTIVITIES. Thanks! Very simple:


1) Open google or a browser on your iPad or phone. For me, Safari didn’t work on my iPhone. I used Chrome.

2)Type in an animal. Try TIGER, ALLIGATOR, PANDA, etc. Scroll down a bit and you will see a square that says VIEW IN 3 D.

3)Click view. Make sure there is enough light in your room. Move your phone around and watch a 3D animal appear. You can pinch for smaller or make larger. They can jump on your bed!!

Another fun animal game: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS- check out their whole site, but we love taking the quizzes together!


My girl at Michele Bell Studio is at it again. I can’t get over how creative she has been during quarantine. And I’m still love here trying to get the gel off my nails. She created a COLORING IN THE TIME OF CORONA COLORING BOOK to open up discussion with your kids and let them creatively get their feelings out. YOU HAVE to see the WHOLE thing- this is just one page.… go check this out! She’s my friend that does the amazing leggings and photography…. plus the creative Elf on the Shelf at Christmas. Give her a follow @MicheleBellStudio!!

To download FOR FREE, visit her main page site: MICHELEBELLSTUDIO.COM 

Ok… gimme more ideas… I wanna keep doing these!! Next one I think will be about physical education- how to get the energy out of our kiddos faster! lol

I’m eyeing a tip from my friend Ali Manno. May click to buy today. Thoughts? Am I crazy?? This would fit indoors in my living room during the time of corona.


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This post is sponsored in part by Kelley Blue Book. I’ve been a longtime fan of using their services and am delighted to share my own thoughts and experiences with you. Note: for updates to see how you can save money on your car during covid-19, click HERE. Many insurance companies are offering refunds for people that are driving considerably less, too!

Can I share something that was so good for the soul recently? We piled in the car with snack and a blanket and went for a drive. Sounds basic, but it was glorious! Made me so pleased with my choice of a family vehicle that we could sit in the trunk and enjoy the view, lift our spirits safely and comfortably. It was a real JOY RIDE driving around finding puddles. #Thisis3. We played until his jeans were wet, never seeing anyone, just us with my car and a frog umbrella. It’s hard being a little energetic toddler quarantined on rainy weeks. We use our imagination!! It’s nice to remember there’s life outside of our home!!


Whether you’re still working or WFH, our world has halted for the most part. Many of us are reevaluating our priorities and necessities right now either forced or through choice. I mean—- milk is just milk now, am I right? I used to be really picky with a specific kind, percentage, organic, etc!! And LBH, I’m low on TP (yes, other spectrum, I did not hoard), so any roll I find is good enough for me. Being picky is not an option right now. At least not with those things….

Have you been able to inventory what things are disposable? During this time, it’s become more and more apparent to me what I really miss/need in my life, even WHO I really miss or need. Sounds harsh, but I bet a lot of you relate? It’s been a good time to consider how we want our life to look when LIFE opens back up. Practical and intentional are two words that keep coming up in my mind in all areas of life, including finances. The majority of us are looking at ways to be prudent, save and find the best deals for our families.

If you’ve been following, you may remember me talking about upgrading my car last year. (14 years in the making, but DID IT)! I had very specific qualifications including space and safety for towing kids. I’m fully embracing the soccer mom/carpool life. I love the choice I made, but I may be trading it in for a car even more specific for my current situation (also looking for less impact on environment/hybrid/etc).


On multiple occasions I’ve talked about relying on info from Kelley Blue Book. I tend to be a creature of habit especially if the habit is a good one ;) I sold my old car through KKB and found my new car using their tools. One of the things I appreciate is their consistent research and reputation after 90 years in business. Their list of Best Family Cars of 2020 is proving useful for me right now. I’m sure it will to you, too. This is where we CAN be picky!  (Some of you car buffs like seeing the latest research even if you’re not in the space to buy). Based on safety, value, driver-assist features, connectivity and technology, their list includes vehicles for various budgets and family sizes (from 2 door, 3 door to minivans!). This could be an excellent time to do your own research and take advantage of the low (to ZERO) interest rates in buying right now. Check recent updates for your convenience.

Obviously, right now, everyone is sheltering at home. I took that so literally that Hayden and I hardly left the house the first couple of weeks outside of a scooter ride to walk Oscar. But, venturing out for a ride has proven useful. Play eye-spy or pretend you’re a tourist in your own city and go sight-seeing. Just a change of pace helped us a lot. So no matter what, I want a vehicle that allows for these types of “pack ‘em up” trips and rides, rain or shine. We also went to just say hi to the ocean. Hayden asked to roll down the window to hear the waves, feel the breeze and open the sun roof to see the palm trees.


If you are looking to buy a car during the pandemic, please check's updated coronavirus car news. They explain what dealerships are doing to help the virus, as well as what automakers are doing fiscally to help YOU! For instance, I just learned Mazda is offering healthcare workers FREE OIL CHANGES and enhanced cleaning -you do NOT need to own a Mazda. It is simply a thank you to those on the frontlines. More info HERE. Many companies are offering deferment of car notes… please call to see of you can have an extension if you need it. I appreciate the tips on car maintenance during this pandemic, even if you’re not driving your car at all! It’s an invaluable resource that answers a myriad of your questions. This could be an excellent time to get the best deal for investing in your family’s future

Ok. Your turn. Tell me about your joyrides you never would normally take but that are your saving grace now? I actually posted a “preview” on my instastory the day we went to the ocean. I simply said “took a drive today to see a bit of SoCal.” It made me SO HAPPY to read your responses. A good handful of you said after seeing that photo, you decided to take a drive and it was a mood lifter!

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