Laundry Clean Queen

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When my mama was here helping me, she ordered some supplies she believes in for cleaning and laundry. I would’ve never ordered items like this on my own accord. But, now I’m hooked and SAVING MONEY in the long run. Reordering some bottles today and want to share why. FYI: not affiliated with the brands, not sponsored, just a new fan. Also, if you’re putting an amazon order today, products can be found HERE.

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The Laundress is known for being some of the best cleaning products out there. Household and clothing, sheets and cashmere, I’m hooked. I love the light, lingering smell. And have grown to appreciate how well these products take care of my towels and sheets and clothing and house cleaning. And to boot,  they are eco-friendly , safe, cruelty free thanks to using only non-toxic, biodegradable, and allergen-free materials-also free of controversial ingredients like petroleum, SLS, phosphate, phthalates, and dyes. Again, not an ad!! Just a customer.



Let’s start with the saving money part. I love my dry-clean only sweaters and dresses. But, during the quarantine, I wasn’t going to keep taking them in (spending so much on each one) and dragging Hayden around with masks and gloves, etc. (I’m alone with my 3-year-od son in quarantine if you are new here). So, my mom said go ahead and wear my comfy cashmere ones and wash them all with the cashmere shampoo/ detergent on delicate and line dry. Oh my goodness- it worked so well. I will continue to do this long term. No more automatically drycleaning everything just because it says it on the label. I’m slowly adding other fabrics to figure out which ones work the best. Obviously, use your best judgement on which items should still only be dry-cleaned. Also, I often use the signature and delicate that work for a myriad of fabrics.



Sheets that last are a investment. Nice sheet can cost us a pretty penny and I want to preserve the fabric, the bright white look (I love white sheets), so that was our first conversation about changing detergent when cleaning certain things like my nicer towels and sheets. I now use the whites bottle. I invested in some nicer towels and they started turning yellow. I didn’t want to use bleach because it specifically says on the label not to!! Oxiclean wasn’t cutting it, but this detergent is keeping them white.


Now, if something gets on them like makeup (ohhhh the accidental mascara stain or blood from a nick from shaving my legs (rarely, but it happens), or little munchkin eats strawberries and wipes it all over himself and the towel, I spray the MISS MOUTH’s on it first. Let it sit for a while and then rub the fabric together with a white cloth underneath to not transfer the stain.

Last time Huck was here, he showed up with newly dyed fuchsia hair. His mother had dyed his hair fuchsia pink hours before and recommended I wash it out that night. Despite washing really well- it still ended up getting on some pillows, white sheets and a good portion of my white linen headboard. It took a few days, but Miss Mouth’s did the trick!!

I haven’t tried the Stain Remover from the laundress, but the reviews are so good, I have to add it. Also, just to make it easier, I have it from different locations in case they are running out, which just happened (click HERE).



So, I’m testing out my darks with their dark detergent. I’ll let you know what I think…

Lastly, adding this little guide that is helping me! Source unknown.

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IN THE MEANTIME, LMK WHAT YOU THINK… what are your tried and true home remedies for household accidents or maintenance? Please do share.


Ashley Jones



As I’ve mentioned on the blog already, March is National Nutrition Month.  It spurred me to take a look at our pantry and see what snacks we have readily available. I also wanted to make sure they were easy to find and healthy! Although we did a great job making over the pantry last year, it’s a good idea to give it great refresher every 6-9 months. It was the perfect time to go throw a few things out and combine items in baskets. If you’re in need of more than a refresher… like a  FULL BLOWN MAKEOVER valued at $5000!… keep reading! This is NOT a sponsored post. I worked with Rubbermaid® this to spread the word about their giveaway on social media, but this blog post was not a part of it. I just really want one of you to win!! LOL. So, read on and ENTER! Also, I had too much fun organizing with my mini-me (see photos below:) and wanted a place to share all these silly, fun pictures. I’m definitely oversharing here—- there’s so many!

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Last year, Metro’s Other Woman came to help with organization and gave a few tips that stuck with me.

1. DO NOT keep boxes. This takes up unnecessary space and you can’t tell when you are running low on commodities. Throw out the packaging and DO KEEP items in containers or baskets. Rubbermaid® Easy Find Lids™ are an awesome solution.
2. DO KEEP “like with like.” For instance, keep all your bars (protein, granola) in one basket (I like wire ones I can still see the items, some people like solid baskets). All the pastas together in containers, crackers and chips, etc…. you get the idea.
3. DO USE Lazy Susans and can holders to maximize space.
4. DO utilize back of pantry door with racks (we haven’t done this yet, but I’m looking into it).
5. DO NOT keep expired items. Check your dates, throw out expired items to create space!

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Honestly, the first rule of thumb about not keeping boxes will make a world of difference. I created so much extra space, I was able to carve out a section for the kids. Hayden and Huck’s little art cubby was one big messy basket. But now, it looks so creative and inviting, with little kid-friendly snacks. Hayden LOVES to “help” me in the kitchen, so this one way to keep him engaged!

So just in time for that spring cleaning fever, enter the Easy Find Lids™ sweepstakes between March 17-May 5 for a chance to get your dream pantry: There are two ways to enter: with a receipt of a qualifying purchase of Easy Find Lids™ or without a qualifying purchase. All info can be found with that link -> If you have any questions, please comment below and I will get answers for you! In the meantime, start your organizing! Rubbermaid® made these Easy Find Lids especially for me, I swear. Lids are like socks sometimes. They just get lost. These lids are “easy to find” because they are red and snap to the base of the container. They are stackable, dishwasher, microwave and freezer safe-- and affordable.  
How often do you go through things in your pantry? It feels SO GOOD to declutter and create space. If you’re one to keep up with organization, what is your top tip to share?

ps- my super soft t-shirt is on SALE FOR $9! And jeans are on SALE FOR $37!

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Some of the BEFORE AND DURING shots below. By throwing out the boxes and combining items in the containers, I created more space.

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