
You guys... I've been wanting to let you all know for quite some time, but had to keep quiet so not to spoil anything. But, I can finally say, Parker is back in Port Charles. For those of you that are reading this and supported Parker returning, I want to say thank you.

The story has been set up in a very interesting way. I love that this character is so layered and rich. I think the writers have just barely started to scratch below the surface. 

Shawn Reeves (costume designer) picked a bright, beautiful pink top for Parker. I appreciated that he wanted her to be bright and fresh. That's probably all I can say for now without getting myself in trouble, so I'll sign off. But, stay tuned for the fun and drama. I'm shooting more on Monday.

What do you all think Parker is doing back in PC? 



#12DaysofGivingMovie Meet and Greet Feb.9th!

Ashley and those involved with the movie are grateful to the town of Fremont, NE, for welcoming us to film in their city.  Ashley has been able to meet some of you (like the ice skaters below!) and looks forward to meeting more of you tomorrow. Scroll down for more information. Please contact Polymath Cyber Cafe for any questions. Tickets are free and available TODAY at the cafe for pick up for access to the event tomorrow. For those of you not able to attend, make sure to follow Ashley on instagram story for coverage of the event. And she will be posting here about it as well! 



What I learned from Dr. OZ


First of all, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I became more of a fan of Dr. Oz's after visiting the show. He is what they call- the real deal.

I joined Dr. Oz in his segment about  3 steps for a better health in the first 3 minutes of waking up! We discussed being a busy mom (much like the majority of you all) and why it is so important to start the day off right. I urge you to try these easy steps. Seriously, you'll see a difference. Just do it for a few days, then make yourself finish the week...Take note at the end of the week and see if you noticed a difference. I've read it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so we may need to stick to this plan for a whole 3 weeks, but I will go on record as saying it's the little things that make the biggest difference in my life. These steps are those "little" things that add up to making a big difference in my mood, overall day and productivity. So, in case you missed the episode. let me recap:

1) STRETCH & DO THE SHOULDER ROLL:  first thing after waking up, make like Hayden (my baby) and reach your arms high over your head. Then, roll your shoulders back three times. Exaggerate the movement and let your blood really get flowing. If you're ambitious, make like Oscar (my dog) and roll out of bed to do a down dog and chaturanga. 


2) DRINK YOUR WATER: One thing I've been forced to do since having a baby (and wanting to continue breastfeeding) is drink more water. In order to start the day properly, I need to down water immediately upon waking up. But, the thing is- YOU SHOULD, TOO. For your liver, for cleansing and getting your body ready for the day. Water is key! Drink it! Keep it by your bed and make it your new habit to down the entire glass first thing after waking (post shoulder rolls!). 


3) Keep your immunity up: Winter is coming...even if you live in a warm climate like we do, winter still comes in some form.. We get run down during the winter months. Between travel, holidays and colder weather, it's important to make sure we do everything we can to keep well. Being a new mom (i.e.: sleepless nights, sometimes) I REALLY need to ensure I don't get sick. So, take your vitamins!! The supplement Dr. Oz and I discussed is Usana's Proglucamune. Learn more at Usana.com.

Follow up on GH...

First of all, thanks to everyone that left comments on previous posts or connected on social media.  Even if I haven't commented back, I see them and appreciate the interest. You guys have been supportive throughout the journey of this character (even during my pregnancy!).

I had many of the same questions you all had… How much did Alexis get in Parker’s head? Would Parker have ever written that letter if she hadn’t run into Alexis? Did she really go back to her wife or is she trying to protect Kristina- or both? As an actor, it’s important for me to understand the writer’s intention and work with the director to convey the message to the audience. I also get attached to many of the characters I play and want to protect them. For the taping of this last air show, I wanted to make sure I understood what the writers wanted. At one point, Parker says, “this is a complicated situation.” That was the crux of the scene, in my opinion. Most people have been in relationships that are multilayered and can relate to that. I’ve said before in interviews that I believe Parker loves this girl… she loves her enough to let her go and find her own way. What are your thoughts? Of course, I’m just the actress that gets to make the words come alive. I have no control over future storylines. Looking forward to seeing where this goes! 

ps- guess who I chatted about during my recent visit with Dr. Oz? 

Updated answer: Maurice Bernard! He loves that man!





Back on GH! Episode airs this week!


So, this week on General Hospital, my character Parker runs into Kristina. Quite literally. See what happens. To those of you that have been so kind to comment and tweet or send messages via social media, your support is appreciated.  Thank you! I'll be curious to see what your comments are after this episode. And I will be anxious to share my thoughts, too. This is the first time I've actually called the producer to discuss the dialogue.... I'll explain why. Stay tuned for more after the episode airs! 


Heading back to work....

I was originally on "hold" to go back to GH on May 25th.  The dates got pushed to mid-late June, though. And that worked out well because Hayden decided to join the world May 24th.  So, by the time I went back to taping, Hayden was a little over three weeks old. 

My sweet mom came back to Los Angeles to stay and watch Hayden while I was working. (He's the first grandchild!) I'm blessed to have her. I was able to focus on work knowing he was in perfect hands. (My mom sent me texts keeping me informed on Hayden's status...my favorite one said: Hayden's great-  you go enjoy pretending to be someone else!)  

So, speaking of pretending to be someone else... Parker! I obviously can't reveal story, but I can say I graduated out of my pregnancy jeans into a pretty fabulous black pencil skirt and very high heels. And once again, wardrobe had their work cut out for them... no longer hiding the bump, but hiding any evidence of nursing. 

We taped four episodes with quite an arc.  I'm excited for y'all to see them and curious of the reactions. You'll find out more about this character during this next stretch of shows: more about her past and her personal life. I feel challenged playing Parker; there's an element of surprise. Frank Valentini tweeted about Kristina having to make an important decision, but Parker does as well. Watch it all happen in a couple of weeks! 



I just realized I never published this post I wrote months ago WHEN I FIRST STARTED AT GH.  So, better late than never....

In makeup and hair, I caught up with people I hadn't seen in a while. Kirsten Storms- thanks for being so sweet about the baby (and offering not only your support, but your baby gear on set if and when the time arises)! Maura West- so warm and down to earth and welcoming. And Frank Valentini, thanks for your support and guidance. I love how "hands on" you are!

A picture with new friends from #GH. Now, how can Parker run into these guys?


Every time I play a new character in a film or a guest star on an established show, it makes sense that I'm entering a new world. It's expected.  You would think going from one soap to another is a no-brainer, but even though the medium is the same, there  are differences.  

I've had opportunities to play many characters over the years in tv and film, but Bridget on B&B has been the most consistent. The whole experience becomes second nature after years of taping. You learn a great deal about the other actors and crew, not only personally, but they way they work professionally. For instance, you learn how the lighting directors light certain sets. Or what director will shoot you from specific angles- high or low (this is a big deal for kissing scenes and double chins!). You learn which actors like to run lines where and when... where they hang out before they shoot if you need to find them.  You get in a rhythm with makeup (for me, it's a collaborative effort) and hair.  Wardrobe knows your body and what your preferences may be--- ok, you get the point.

Then, you start a different show, on a different stage, with a different crew, with different actors.  It's an adjustment. The daytime community may be an extremely small world, but it doesn't mean that we all know each other first hand. I "knew of" Lexi and Nancy, but did not know them. So, there's an element of surprise working on big scenes together. And I love that. It makes me feel alive.  

The other fun tidbit about the show is the baby boom that's happening there (like in my personal life). There's no shortage of people discussing their family life. Having to hide the pregnancy could have given me so much anxiety, but everyone was lovely. 


I said I would write about the last few experiences taping over at GH. So many of you reminded me of that, I had to follow up. Thanks for your tweets, instagram comments and comments here on this site. I read them. But more importantly, thanks for watching! Stay tuned... I'll be writing more behind the scenes posts.

As @SoapsInDepthABC pointed out in this tongue and cheek blurb above, it's really fun to chat along with you as we discover who Parker is... I thought coffeeshop scenes with Alexis gave us a tiny window into Parker's past and potential struggles with her own family. It's touching to hear some personal stories from those of you that can relate to Kristina, Parker and Alexis. 

I enjoyed working off of Nancy Lee Grahn's Alexis in the coffeeshop scenes. Both characters were forced to show vulnerability and strength. I liked finding the give and take of the scenes. And part of the fun of playing a character like Parker is the unknown. I'm finding out more right along with the audience. Wonder what is next!

Parker is an incredibly different kind of character for me to play. I'm looking forward to the next tape date!!  Leave comments and questions below.... we'll keep the conversation going. xo


read daily blog posts about working during pregnancy....




MANY OF YOU HAVE ASKED ABOUT PARKER'S LOOK... so I finally took some notes and pictures preparing for the coffeeshop scenes with Alexis. 

THE MAKEUP : creating a fresh, clean look - click on picture to read more details 

I taped the first episode waaaay back in December before I was showing at all, before I was even telling people I was pregnant.  When we first discussed the possibility of me playing this character, I didn't know a time-frame of tape dates. I let my agents and manager figure out the logistics. But, I quickly realized these episodes would be spaced out... like in real time, allowing storyline to unfold. Normally, that's amazing, but when you have a human growing inside you stretching your belly, that can make for interesting continuity issues!  The first tape date was just a reveal.  Then, everyone went on holiday for A WHOLE MONTH. When I returned to work in January, it was a direct pick up from my first encounter with Kristina. Of course, I was anxious for the writers and producers and wardrobe to know I was expecting. Then, the only other thing I knew to do was make sure whatever jeans I was wearing on the first tape date also came in maternity sizes.  So, I purchased a few pregnancy must haves. I've worn THESE JEANS for every episode! No joke.  They may be an investment, but they worked well for a myriad of scenes, auditions, events... and still are working well into my 8th month. Although no one was telling me I needed to wear any kind of spanx to hide the bump, I actually felt good in them. Early on, I wore regular ones, then I graduated into these maternity spanx (on sale, too). 

Ok, enough for now...Leave a note if you have more questions... I'll keep the conversation going. 

you can shop the post below! Some of my favorite camera ready tricks...


Tomorrow on GH, Alexis gets all Mama Bear on Parker! I'm anxious to see how these scenes turned out. I've been a fan of Nancy Lee Grahn for years, so getting to work with her in this realm was a treat. We both had a ton of dialogue! I loved exploring the arc of these scenes with her, running lines and then taping. Plus, it was fun getting real Mom advice from her because, you know, I'm expecting my first! I'll be posting more about the day and how we are attempting to camouflage the "baby bump" after it airs tomorrow. So, stay tuned... and as always, it's fun to hear your thoughts. I know GH fans are super intense, loyal and opinionated; I will brace myself! 



"We have THE BEST fans in WORLD! Thanks for your heart&soul! Love u all!!" Katherine Kelly Lang tweeted after the fan event. And it's true. I had the honor of being "stationed" next to my tv mom, whom I adore.  This year, the event took place at CBS Studios in Television City on stage 31.  Participants visited each set (and new sets debuted, too) where actors waited with sharpies handy for autographs, smiles ready for photos, and (for some) cheeks ready for a kiss.  Watch the event from my perspective (via my selfie stick!). 

 SHOP MY MAKEUP MUST HAVES FOR AN ALL DAY EVENT. I added high end and drugstore options, too. xo

GOING BACK TO CALI... Bridget returns to California for Rick's wedding!

After being away from the show for over a year, I get a call in May to check my availability for some tape dates in June.  I don't have a clue why, after all this time, the writers want to bring Bridget back.  But, I figure it'll be something fun and important. Bingo. Bridget is there to support her family, more specifically, her brother.  And we have fun.

I visit the lovely Jennifer Johns in wardrobe the week before shooting. I've known her for years.  It's been so long since I've been on the show, we need to go over sizes. Even though I'm comfortable in my own skin, I usually see room for improvement. I've got some issues; alas, I'll wager in the battle of the thighs forever. But you reach an age where acceptance starts to kick in. Needless to say, I feel better when I fit into the dress Jennifer picked. Whew. 

At this point, I know Rick is marrying Maya... and finally Bridget gets to be at a family event. Mike Stitch, whom I adore, is directing. Weddings and scenes with many cast members can prove tedious. During our five minute breaks, I get to catch up with the cast when they aren't running lines.  Don Diamont practices Dubsmashing with Heather Tom, hilariously nailing their choices. The wedding is quite the event with emotional performances I'm proud to witness. Obba Bababtunde brought most of us to tears. And not just once, he had to shoot his confrontational scenes with Maya several times. Bravo!

The first day back feels like a family reunion, albeit with a few new faces.  But, it doesn't take long to feel like no time has passed. We get deep quickly. John Mc Cook and I cover A-Z before I leave hair and makeup. Kelly and I catch up on quite literally- everything. Don Diamont gives me life and love advice within minutes of saying hello (he's wise); later, he has me downloading the Dubsmash app.  Heather and I discuss babies, decorating, work and family. Jacob fills me in on his new home life.  We ponder the important questions of the soap genre.  Like, how many times have we been married on daytime television (Jacob got to 10!). I love every minute of it. In typical me fashion, I bring my computer to my dressing thinking I'll have down time to "work," but not once is it opened. I never want to leave the stage. 

Evidently, I was the first cast member to ever bring a selfie stick on set... I have to thank Kaley for that one. Below is a behind the scenes look into our rehearsal. (I always love Kelly's tops. This is one of her own Kaftans.  I want it! Love the way she pairs it with skinny white jeans!)

Uploaded by Ashley Jones on 2015-08-06.



Real Girl's Kitchen on the Cooking Network

I love hanging out with friends, as do most of us; when we get to learn something, it's a huge bonus. Getting to spend time with my girl Haylie Duff always involves some sort of familia dinner enviornment. Sometimes, I get to sit back and take in the good fortune....other times, I look over her shoulder and learn a bit... if you'd care to take a glance with me, tune into her show REAL GIRL'S KITCHEN on the COOKING NETWORK Saturdays currently airing. Check your local stations times, but scheduled 10amP/1pEastern. 

Most Recent Updates

Hey y'all... I'm looking forward to sharing my thoughts about my recent visit back to BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL.  I'd hate to spoil one thing about the storyline for you, so all I can say is what has already been in print.... I start airing August 6, 2015. What I can share right now is how much fun I had.  I can't wait to let you know what video and pics I grabbed with my selfie stick, my silly banter with a family member, who was experimenting with Dubsmash, and my thoughts on the storyline. Check back soon....