
Hi EVERYONE…. HOW ARE YOU? I’m asking cause I really wanna know.

I am gonna make some time for Hayden and I to go outside today. We need that! I wrote a post recently about pausing or shifting…. little did I know at the time that many, many of us would be taking quite the pause in most areas of our lives due to #Covid19. I mentioned learning to be content at times. Really trying to practice that now! Also have a post up about some ideas for kids during this time. Also, while I’m here and may have your attention…. make sure we are paying attention to our regular health right now. Especially when it’s so easy to be home and snack so much!

California is at a “shelter in place” status. So, we’re connecting in different ways. Like…doing LIVES!

I got to chat live with some of you in Italy yesterday and I loved it. So unfortunate it takes a pandemic to make our world feel so connected and small. We are ALL going through this together. All our kids are home. Most of us are out of work. Those that are working are HELPING us now (thank you). Thank you to all of you that chimed in Roberta’s page!

Going LIVE here in LA at 11am Pacific Time. I’m going to split the screen and chat with some of YOU, hopefully. If you can’t chime in on this one, no worries, we’ll keep doing it!

So, episodes of BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL got pushed up from what we originally thought. Bridget is visiting next Thursday March 26th, 27th and 30th. What I’d like to say about these episodes is this: of course I love getting to be back at the studio, seeing my tv family and playing Bridget. I also appreciate getting to see these actors work together. So many lines, very emotional scenes and yet, these actors keep it raw, real and riveting. (Sorry if that sounds cheesy! lol). It's so impressive to watch. You’ll see… when you tune in. WHY DO YOU THINK BRIDGET IS BACK? Would love to hear your thoughts. Also, it’s nice to turn off the news for a moment and escape to a fantastical world;)

And the Lifetime movie I’m scheduled to film is still happening, just up in the air as to when… like most things in the world right now. Taking it a day at time. (It’s about CHEER;)

Plus, there’s another secret project happening. It’s been a long time in the making and #Covid19 is pausing it a bit, but we’re all making progress. Fingers crossed we get to share it soon.

Be well, everyone.



Kelly and Ashley behind the scenes photo.JPG


I did some instagram stories recently saying how grateful I was for my friends that have rallied around me when I needed it. I don’t have family here in California, so my friends really are part of my family. And I talked directly to YOU. Many of you have DMd quotes and prayers and showed your unconditional support.

When some of my Bold and Beautiful family found out a super viewer and supporter of the show, Matt Hanvey, was in the hospital, ICU no doubt, we wanted to go support him. That supportive boost can help us stay motivated and energetic in times that could go a different direction. Kelly and Dom are amazing at spreading love around…

Matt and Katherine Kelly Lang. Yes, I wore Dr. Bridget’s lab coat! lol

Matt and Katherine Kelly Lang. Yes, I wore Dr. Bridget’s lab coat! lol

My point in writing this post? Please do not think this is a pat on our backs for something we did. It is not. A reminder how awesome it can feel for all of us to SHOW UP for someone else. And showing up can be via a little note, hug, text, call, prayer or something big like hanging curtains and unpacking boxes! lol Truly, so many people “filled my cup” that I was full enough to send some love and a hug to someone else that day. Not all days are like that for me right now. But the ones that are become much better days. And there in lies the cycle of love. One other point? A little reminder that Matt has a funny twitter feed and instagram meme if you are a fan of soaps! Show him some love! He also contributed HERE on the blog!! It’s been too long… Matt, you need to do another one so get well sooooooon! My favorite thing he said to me later: I can’t wait to get out of here and pay it forward! God Speed!!

Nothing new under the sun here. Just the golden rule about doing unto others…. we learned this in kindergarten and the Golden Girls theme song.

Has someone done something nice for you lately? Paid it forward and encouraged you to do the same? Want to hear cause these are the BEST kinds of stories for a soul boost.

ps- Hi Nathalie!! Matt’s sister is in town working ( and thank goodness can also be with him) and I ran into her yesterday! What are the odds??



Casey Kasprzyk, me, Matt, Kelly and Dominique

Casey Kasprzyk, me, Matt, Kelly and Dominique