/I never thought I’d cry writing a blog about Dr. Seuss. But I here I am! crying after writing this little poem:
Here I am! Adult and able, crying about a so called fable.
A poem or two that touched me so, pierced my heart, but helped me go
Go further than I thought I should, be stronger than I thought I could.
I’m hiking that mountain you said I would climb, my feet are aching but the view is sublime.
I’m watching my step with great care and great tact, I’ll make it to the top, it’s simply a fact.
That balancing act you mentioned to me, I’m seeing what truth you gave for free.
No, oh no, my eyes are not shut, Bright lights I see, it’s more than just luck.
Paving the way for little boy, I am. Living his best life, with an upside down frown.
Okay… so, I’m a fan of the books and their DEEP meaning for such simple phrases.
It was a joy to go to the premier and see the first two episodes of Green Eggs and Ham. Such an fun twist on the classic story. I’d say it’s for kids Hayden’s age or older… any younger might get a little scared.
If you saw my instagram post today, I’m teaming up with Shamrock Farms on their collaboration with Subway and Netflix, but lemme tell you why I wanted to work with them. I sincerely appreciate experiences and events that incorporate Hayden. It’s mainly just us right now. Stories (as he call them) that we can both watch and actually enjoy together. (read: I ENJOY watching, too) are a plus. As a lifelong fan of Dr. Suess, I appreciate his humor and deeper meaning now more than I ever did as a child. Ah, the beauty of real classics.
Kudos to Subway and Shamrock Farms for joining in on the fun. For limited time, for just about $5, you can go get a Fresh Fit for Kids Meal: REAL GREEN EGGS and Ham sandwich, a side and a carton of protein…the milk, and chips or cookie or apple sauce. And if it’s a full out party night, Hayden splurges for the chocolate milk. It still has the same 9 essential nutrients, including Vitamin D and potassium, as well as the protein as the regular white milk. Shamrock Farms’ milk has no added sugars or growth hormones like rBST. Folks, not all milk is created equal, so, look for their signature green top. For more info:
Take advantage of these brands coming together to make your own “event” special and have one on one time with your child or family. Subway, Shamrock Farms milk and Netflix the night away! I was gonna say Netflix and chill, but someone told me that has a different connotation;)
I wish Huck had been with us. He’d get such a kick out of the green eggs at Subway and the characters on the milk cartons. They are literally green eggs!!! A fun conversation piece for the kids.
Does this make anyone else nostalgic?