LIFE CAN GET HARD SOMETIMES. REALLY, REALLY HARD. Worse that you ever thought possible. DURING THIS TIME, I APPRECIATE THE MESSAGES YOU ALL HAVE SENT while I stepped away from the blog and social media. Thank you for standing by me. Truly, thank you. I MISSED YOU.

IN THE MEANTIME…I really want to get back to connecting with y’all. That’s what is so special about this blog. Plus, personally for me, it is uplifting for many reasons. You all have helped in the past, so here I am again. Would love reminders of coping strategies that have helped you during your most difficult times.


Today is the beginning of September. It used to be one of my favorite months…all dancing in September, never a cloudy day. In the past few years, this season has proven extremely difficult overall for me. Today is continuing that status quo, but I have a new perspective on life. And a new strength. I will get through it.

As the saying goes:

autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.

What is it you need to let go of? Anything?

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.

F. Scott Fitzgerald.