/This post is sponsored by FAGE; but you know it’s only written by yours truly. One of my favorite things about this blog is the opportunity to bring you (and me!) ways to make life healthier, simpler, and a bit more fabulous.
Was life always this fast? I wonder if I popped back ten, fifteen years ago if life was as stressful and busy. I think it’s in my nature to stay busy and focused, so I’m sure it was. I could go out on a limb and say most women (especially parents) stay in a constant state of ‘busy-ness.’
Things change in life… our focus and needs change, but our nature is simply our nature. It’s become a constant of sorts. We switch hats all day… from boss babe at work to mom mode at home. From care taking a sick loved one, or being an ear for a friend, or putting on “chef” hat and making dinner for the family (then cleaning up!), we are chameleons that seamlessly switch into each of the role of our lives. (Today is a day with many hats for me— how about you? I’ve got to get better about not letting it stress me out. I’m trying.)
A few days ago, I rushed home from work and running errands, I wanted to do something for myself for a few minutes before Hayden’s babysitter left…. the “changing of the hats” phase, if you will. I was hungry and tired and dreaming of something sweet like FAGE. I’m learning the best way for me to not get too stressed is take these few minutes to recharge.
I put my yoga mat down to do a quick routine and eat something easy, ready-to-go and utterly delicious. I’ve been doing more of these “mini” routines lately when time is not allowing a full workout. (Full disclosure, I later “reenacted” this set up for the blog because I was totally alone in the house the first time while Hayden played outside with the babysitter- no one else to take a photo— and the only little creature begging me for something was Oscar;) But on a typical day, I’m not alone! And as soon as the Split Cups come out, so do the munchkins! HA. (Scroll all the way down to see the photos with Huck sneaking beside me for a bite;)
I often grab the FAGE Total Split Cup because it’s a staple in our fridge. I know I need to head to the market when we’re low on a few things and FAGE yogurt is one of them (Hayden LOVES Greek yogurt… I mean…happy dance time). It’s packed so full of taste, I relax for a bit and let it consume me. No joke- it’s really that good. Also, it’s low in calories, full of protein, probiotics and 30% less sugar with no artificial sweeteners. I love that it comes in 3 fat varieties: 0%, 2% and 5%.
I’m really trying to remember to take care of myself even on the busiest of days working and taking care of everyone else. I am a better version of myself when I do a few simple things: fit in a workout, drink enough water and eat healthy throughout the day. I’m telling you- if you haven’t tried these Split Cups (btw- they were under $1 at my local grocer - find your closest location), do yourself a favor. You’ll feel satisfied and won’t need the dessert later, or an extra glass of wine. It’s satiable and good for your whole family. The other thing I love is that it fills me just enough. If I’m on camera that day, I don’t like the extended stomach feeling. And since I’m being personal here, I’ll go one step further. It’s not a secret we are trying to get pregnant. So, I have to take care of myself. I need to eat good food regularly. I need to take out the daily stress. I think tonight I’ll do double duty— take a nice bath WITH my FAGE Total Lime Split Cup (for dessert— it is really that good!). LOL. It’s like take me away with FAGE. I deserve it! #itsthelittlethings #LiveLoveEat #FAGE
ps-I know some of you were going to try these after reading the last blog post. Did you?