Habits of Successful Girlfriends
/Last blog post of the decade here. Thanks for bearing with me this recent downer of a season. I promise my blog posts will get lighter and funnier. They will, they will.
Juuuust maybe not this post. lol
This photo is interesting because it was taken early in the decade. I remember feeling like I wanted so much out of the 2010s- going forward head on (not unlike I feel today). And it happened. From Russia to Dubai to Africa, Monaco and Mexico- I lived, traveled and experienced life. I had many, exciting good years making fun projects and meeting some of you all. And, of course, God gave me Hayden.
Reflecting on the last part of the decade, If you’re a regular on this blog, you’ve most likely been through some of this “season” of hardship with me due to the divorce and other serious issues. It has not gone unnoticed. Many of you have even shared your own stories, mostly privately. I hope we all take turns lifting each other up. (I’m working on that private group…. so stay tuned.)
I have family and friends that offered enormous support for Hayden and me. I relied on these people in ways I had not before. All that ultimately mattered and continues to matter to me is that Hayden and I are safe, both physically and emotionally. These people know that. I couldn’t go back to the home I owned. We lived in dear friends’ guest rooms and a condo for over a month. I drove other people’s cars, was wearing their clothes, eating their food… oh, how grateful I am. Beautiful souls helped me get settled in my new spot. I’ve never been so thankful and humbled. And my mom lived with us the past month to help me. It’s an overwhelming time to say the least, but as always in life, there’s light that can be found even on the darkest days, in the darkest spots where you feel imprisoned and helpless. We must find the light.
Being so intimately close with these people in their day to day life taught me priceless lessons. I happen to have friends that are extremely successful in their fields. Many lessons I observed are basic, probably things I learned years ago in kindergarten ironically, but am observing on a different level now. What was fascinating is that I saw similar characteristics in each of them. Some habits I implement, some I need to acquire.
They exercise practical habits, like:
Are up early to rise.
Act Grateful.
Don’t waste time.
Put in the time- do the work.
Make decisions and move on.
Make plans and stick to them.
Arrive on time.
Finish the job at hand.
Do their best, then let it go.
And more thoughtful traits, like:
Trust their instincts.
Think long term.
Know their self worth.
Do not compare themselves to others.
They compete with themselves, not friends.
Move forward, not dwelling on anything that can’t be changed.
Set achievable, but challenging goals for themselves. And reach them.
They wear different hats and wear them well: wives, daughters, mothers, bosses, friends.
Have strong, healthy boundaries.
Generous in spirit.
Show up for others. Little to no drama or gossip.
Thank God for these women in my life that empowered me in ways I’ll never be able to explain. The legalities of my situation are far from over. What has changed, though, is my perspective, energy and focus. I am stronger than I realized. I am capable, resilient and smart. And I’m a hardworking, protective mother that’s just getting started. Plus, I have a support system that doesn’t quit.
Whereever you are in life, at a lower point, a building point (like I am) or on an upswing, nothing lasts forever. But we can learn from every landmark. So, call them what you want- resolutions, intentions, whatnot… I’ve got my list. Anything specific you hope to add to your daily habits? (And as always, I need to sweat more and keep consuming water and I have a whole list of career goals, but those are for another day).
I’m very ready for this new decade. I PRAY TO GOD for wisdom to make great choices in life. For all of us. To those of you that have had hardship in 2019 like I did, forgive me if I sound too trite, but #ThankYouNext. To new beginnings! God Bless You.
Habits I learned from my superstar tribe in the trials of 2019. #ThankYouNext