Actress, Lifestyle writer, Mother

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MANY OF YOU HAVE ASKED ABOUT PARKER'S LOOK... so I finally took some notes and pictures preparing for the coffeeshop scenes with Alexis. 

THE MAKEUP : creating a fresh, clean look - click on picture to read more details 

I taped the first episode waaaay back in December before I was showing at all, before I was even telling people I was pregnant.  When we first discussed the possibility of me playing this character, I didn't know a time-frame of tape dates. I let my agents and manager figure out the logistics. But, I quickly realized these episodes would be spaced out... like in real time, allowing storyline to unfold. Normally, that's amazing, but when you have a human growing inside you stretching your belly, that can make for interesting continuity issues!  The first tape date was just a reveal.  Then, everyone went on holiday for A WHOLE MONTH. When I returned to work in January, it was a direct pick up from my first encounter with Kristina. Of course, I was anxious for the writers and producers and wardrobe to know I was expecting. Then, the only other thing I knew to do was make sure whatever jeans I was wearing on the first tape date also came in maternity sizes.  So, I purchased a few pregnancy must haves. I've worn THESE JEANS for every episode! No joke.  They may be an investment, but they worked well for a myriad of scenes, auditions, events... and still are working well into my 8th month. Although no one was telling me I needed to wear any kind of spanx to hide the bump, I actually felt good in them. Early on, I wore regular ones, then I graduated into these maternity spanx (on sale, too). 

Ok, enough for now...Leave a note if you have more questions... I'll keep the conversation going. 

you can shop the post below! Some of my favorite camera ready tricks...

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Read funny, but REAL and affordable MAKEUP tips for the BIRTHING ROOM. NO JOKE!  Watch celebrity makeup artist Jamie Greenberg teach me about birthing babies in this tutorial!