Pantry and Closet Makeover!
UPDATE: So, since we are all sheltering at home, I’m determined to get a few things organized. I’m no longer in the house pictured below. Hayden and I are dealing with a smaller environment, so I revisited this post to remind myself of decluttering tips and spacial solutions.
Thank you METRO’S OTHER WOMAN for your expertise in this field:
1. When starting any organization project the first step is to purge. Get rid of anything you haven't worn in 6 months to a year in the closet. Get rid of any expired items that you've had in your pantry for 6+ months that you haven't used/have no plan to use. Next you want to remove everything from your space and start with a blank slate! When removing, place like with like items so it's easier to put back in the right spots.
2. For smaller spaces we suggest baskets, lazy susans, and food storage containers (place bulkier boxed items in containers ie; cereal, pasta, chips, flour/sugar, etc.) NO bulky boxes! Another great option for food storage is HERE.
3. If you can ONLY buy a few new items to organize your space, baskets are always our first choice! (Here’s another great option I use). You can use baskets to store items in the pantry: snacks, breakfast foods, etc./in the closet:scarfs, purses, hats, etc. This makes it look neater and prettier.
Lemme tell you, we took these tips and made such a difference in a fairly short amount of time. I know this is not the first time you have been told to purge, or put “like with like” and see how many scarfs you actually own. But, perhaps something in this post will encourage you to block out time on the calendar and just make it happen. I was shocked how much had expired (oops!) in our pantry. You may remember a few of my instagram stories from the days the girls were here. The pantry and cabinets were completely emptied. Everything was examined to see if it should stay or be tossed (or perhaps not live in the kitchen at all- hello crayons and paint!). OXO has the most amazing assortment of products to seriously organize the pantry and streamline everything. (I'ver been using that word a lot lately...streamline. I think I dream of "streamlining" my life. To be completely honest, I don't even know what that would mean or look like, it just sounds like someone that really has their stuff together, you know?!)
The ladies and I got excited about the useful products. We're talking lazy susans, cereal dispensers, canisters, baskets, etc. I linked some of my favorites below from Container Store.
We had a vision (which helps to have inspirational ideas of what you want the final product to be)...and worked so well together. While Liz was color coordinating the upstairs closet, Sarah was tackling the pantry and Taylor made a Target run to get baskets for pantry and necessities for the closet. I love these steel baskets with copper handles (see below in a variety of sizes).
(NOTE: since moving into condo, I have repurposed these in a variety of ways. May do a new post about it…. these are stylish and useful! I have them in cabinets and holding towels in bathrooms.)
When the pantry was done, the craziest thing was the amount of space. When you put items in their perfect spaces and remove what doesn’t belong, a natural zen begins to happen. I am addicted to this process. I want to do it to every space in the house. And although I didn't do a huge closet purge, Liz and I conquered a decent amount quickly. I was ready to be honest and face some facts about where I am in life today. Not years (and pounds less) ago. (I still have WAY too many things I'm holding onto, but I'm making progress will pat myself on the back for that!) UPDATE: DID YOU SEE the STORIES WHEN I MOVED? One thing that makes me feel good about purging is the thought of giving my favorite pieces from yesterday a new life. Someone else (often my sister) will make memories wearing these items. And women's shelters are a fantastic place to donate, too. I feel great about thinking someone might wear my favorite jacket to a job interview and work it!! Click on the LITTLE PINK SQUARES in photo below to get details on products.
I love how Taylor found certain items at Target that were repurposed for our closet. Like the kitchen lid organizing rack (top shelf in photo- only $10) that now holds my clutches! So genius!! Slim, space-saving hangers are a closet’s dream! Baskets and shelves were added to the shoe organizers (my mom made me put those in!) to tidy up even more.
WHAT ARE YOUR BEST TIPS FOR THIS PROCESS? I’m thinking about doing a new post now that we are in a condo style place. So it would be a post more conducive to smaller spaces. Any interest?